How to Get More Avatar and Chat Frame in Ragnarok X Next Generation (RoX Guide)

If you notice on the World chat that everyone has different frame on their Avatar icons and chat messages, you might be curious on how they change with their account. One of the first rewards that you can get in Ragnarok X Next Generation this is from the Light Landmark event where players need to light up a country’s landmark. Initially, the event will reward you a free Avatar Frame and the other items like Chat Frame, Friends Side Bar and the additional Life Pack will be rewarded by the end of the event.

  1. How to Change Avatar and Chat Frame
  2. How to Get more Avatar and Chat Frame
    1. Achievements
    2. NPCs
    3. Crystals

These frame will be stored in your backpack as a redeemable item, clicking on these item will show the Use button that will lead you to the Personalization Settings. Once you have activated the frame it will be gone from your backpack.

How to Change Avatar and Chat Frame

When you decided to change back your Avatar or Chat frame to normal or to different one. Looking for the Personalization Settings might not be easy for everyone, as it is located under many option pages in the game like finding needle in a haystack.

To change your Avatar and Chat Frame, simply click your Character Icon at the top of the game screen.

Then go to the Main tab. From here, there will be a gear icon on your Avatar Frame. Click that icon to open the Personalization Settings.

Here, you will be able to change your Avatar and Chat Frame that you recently obtained from the game rewards.

How to Get more Avatar and Chat Frame

If you want something new aside from the free frames included in the event, you can actually get more frame by completing Achievements, Pass, Limited Time event, Favor or by buying it with Crystals.


For Achievements, here are the list of frames that you can get when you reach certain condition as you adventure in the game.

FramesHow to Get

Demon’s Shadow Avatar Frame
Reach Base level to 50

Demon’s Shadow Chat Frame
Reach Base level to 60

Demon’s Shadow Friends Side Bar
Reach Base level to 70

Boundless Heroism Avatar Frame
Send 100,000 Diamonds in Red Envelopes

Boundless Heroism Friends Side Bar
Send 1,000 Normal Red Envelopes

Boundless Heroism Chat Frame
Send 1,000 Lucky Red Envolopes


You can also get it from NPCs, you just need to increase your intimacy with them. Check our NPC Gift list for the complete guide. Here are the NPC that will reward Avatar frame.

FramesHow to Get

High Stakes Avatar Frame

High States Chat Frame

High Stakes Friends Side Bar
Complete Favors with NPC Chamber of Commerce “Tamdia”.

Requires VIP card 🙁


Aside from the above list, you can also buy the frame using Crystals.


Angeling Avatar Frame
50,000 Crystals

Angeling Chat Frame
50,000 Crystals

Silly Seal Side Bar
50,000 Crystals

Starry Magic Avatar Frame
50,000 Crystals

Starry Magic Chat Frame
50,000 Crystals

Jade Friends Side Bar
50,000 Crystals

Fluffy Clouds Avatar Frame
50,000 Crystals

Fluffy Clouds Chat Frame
50,000 Crystals

Fluffy Clouds Friends Side Bar
50,000 Crystals

That’s it guys, hope this small tips will help you collect more avatar and chat frames. For more tips like this, check our Ragnarok X Guide.

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