How to Fix Google Wifi Turns Blue then Off Light After Factory Reset

If suddenly, your Google Wifi lights turn solid blue then turns off after. You probably thought that it is already broken or needs servicing. Usually, this light problem happens when you do a factory reset in your Google Wifi or accidentally pressing the physical button on the back.

So why your Google Wifi is turning off after the solid blue lights? It’s because the Wifi point is still in the process of the factory reset and it is installing the default OS for the device.

How to Fix Google Wifi No Lights

In order to fix it, you need to power on your Google Wifi.

Wait until the lights will turn to solid Blue.

When the lights turn off, wait for 20 to 45 minutes.

You’ll know if your Google Wifi is already good when you’ll see a blue pulse light.

If the above step still didn’t fix the problem, you can try doing a fresh Factory Reset.

How to Factory Reset Google Wifi

Remove the Power cord from the device.

Press and hold the Reset button on the back, plug the power cord back to the device.

It will flash a solid white light. When you see a Blue Pulse light, stop pressing the reset button.

Your Google Wifi will start initiating the factory reset and you must wait 20 to 45 minutes to complete the process.

That’s it!

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