Today is the start of the 3rd event Poring Island’s Division – Undercover which will allow all players in Ragnarok Mobile to find and hunt the Prowling Deviling in the North Prontera. This event is part of the King Poring’s Adventure, it will be end until March 25, 2019.

Finding the Prowling Deviling might be hard or luck, because some players might already hunted the monsters and you’ll have to wait for a couple of minutes for it to re-spawn.
You’ll get a Poring Blessing Box Rewards once you kill one of this monsters.
How to Find the Prowling Deviling
You need to go to the North Prontera, the deviling usually spawn near the swampy area on the north side 12′ oclock.
Similar to hunting the ghosting, you need a camera to find this monster. For better hunting, point to your location and use your camera and view all of the angle in the area.
In our case we spotted the Prowling Deviling here.
Once you found one, kill the monster and you’ll get the reward Poring Blessing Box.
You can only receive once per day once you’ve killed one Prowling Deviling. If you hunt and kill them twice, you’ll no longer receive the rewards. You need to wait for the next day to hunt again.
That’s it for now guys, happy hunting!