How to Check Current Objective (Objective Menu) in Kingdom Hearts 3

If you’re one of the people who trouble looking for the current objectives in the game Kingdom Hearts 3; Well, you’re not alone! We still have a problem figuring out where to check the objective if you happen to skip the objective flash on the screen. Going to the Main menu of the game doesn’t show the objective menu or tab.

The thing is, this objective is placed on the Pause menu of the game! Yes, you only need to pause the game to see the current objective but there is a catch; You need to fight with the enemy in order to show the Pause Menu.

How to Show Objectives

Look for the enemy to fight in the game, in this way, pause menu will show up instead of the Main Menu.

Now, press the Option button from your controller.

That’s it! Hope this quick tutorial helps you to open the Objective Menu of the game. You may also check our walkthrough video below for reference.

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