Guild is Missing after the Maintenance Update, Ragnarok M Eternal Love

After the four hour update today in Ragnarok M Eternal Love, some players experience unexpected new problem with the game, the guild is missing and inaccessible within the game menu.

UPDATE: 12/06/2018 – 08:28PM (PHIL TIME): Guild is now working in our end. But Guild Stash is wipeout.

When you go to Guild menu, it only shows blank page and the buttons on the right corner is disabled.

The guild name is also gone from the character’s name. This is the same with other guild members of the guild.

Recruit button is also no where to find, like you don’t have guild in the game.

It seems this problem is something to do with the lag issue, what you can do for now is to wait for further notice from the GM of the game and don’t do anything related to guild like joining other guild or creating a new one, to avoid losing access to it.

If you experience this problem, let us know in the comment section!

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