After reporting back to Bracci to inform him that you already send the wine to his brother, he asked you the same question from regarding the Chest Under the tree in Glast Heim, where Bracci and his brother buried the chest in their childhood days.

Since Bracci is holding the first set of the code which is 32. Combining all the two codes will be 3214. Meaning it is the same code for the first quest from his brother.
The answer for the chest code is 3214. You could also check our step-by-step guide below.
Code for Older Brother’s Box
The first digit of the code? The answer is 3.
The second digit of the code? The answer is 2.
The third digit of the code? The answer is 1.
The fourth digit of the code? The answer is 4.
That’s it! You can now go back to Bracci and tell what’s inside the chest.