Steam User is Outrage Over Far Cry 5 Unable to Open Hours of Darkness DLC

Today, Far Cry 5 latest DLC the Hours of Darkness is release in Consoles, uPlay and in Steam platforms. Users in steam been waiting for the update since this morning and complained about how Ubisoft treats Steam owners of the game and how long they’ll give the updates for the platform, while other platform already received the latest patch and able to play the DLC the earliest time.

At 6:00 PM European time, the DLC is finally arrived and 3.4GB of update drops on Steam for the Hours of Darkness DLC. Unfortunately, the patch didn’t work out as planned – the game doesn’t recognized the Season pass access of the Steam users and the button for add-ons on the main menu doesn’t appear in the game. This leads to Steam users cannot access and play the DLC of the game and they flooded the game discussion forum with hates towards Ubisoft.

Some users contacted uPlay support and they’ve responded this message (Credit to TheSilentFoxyn):

“Ah,I see. At this point, we are investigating this and are working to reach a resolution as soon as possible. However, we do not yet have an ETA on when this will be resolved. Apologies once again for any inconvenience this may cause. Is there anything else that I can assist you with today?”

The response pissed off some steam user as it will probably take weeks to fixed the problem before steam user can able to play this new DLC.

Right now, no steam user can access the Hours of Darkness DLC and no work around to fix the issue.

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