One of the most popular games Rules of Survival has been dominating the mobile for Battle Royale genre together with the game PUBG. Because of this there are lots of creative people who want to create their own artwork or mercs for this game. To make their creative work consistent to other element, you need to know the font use in the Rules of Survival and the font of the logo.

The font use in Rules of Survival logo is actually very familiar and already built-in on Windows computer. It is the font Impact, and the game logo only added some drop shadow and bevel to make it more realistic. Currently, it is available in most of all Microsoft Products including Office Word, Windows 10 OS and more.
Impact font is designed by Geoffrey Lee and the copyright belongs to The Monotype Corporaction and the word Impact is trademark of Stephenson Blake Holdings Ltd.
If you don’t have Impact font on your computer, you can download it from the link below:
They also use other fonts for their website, posters, captions and game menus. Here are the list of font they are using:
Now that you have the font you’re looking for the game Rules of Survival. Share your creative idea on the comment section.