Humble Brawler Bundle Region Restriction Information

Humble Bundle just added a new set of awesome arcade games, the Humble Brawler Bundle. The bundle includes 7 arcade games that’s include the famous Street Fighter X Tekken game and Guilty Gear Xrd – SIGN-. The total retail price for all of these games is valued $149, and you can get this bundle for as low as $1 for its 1st tear of games. It also include a DRM-Free version of Skullgirls (Windows, Mac, Linux) and Skullgirls OST Soundtracks.

You can check Humble Brawler Bundle at

Some of you might want to know the region restriction of these games, as Humble Bundle recently release game keys that are region locked for buyer’s region. If you have plan to purchase the bundle and want to send it to your friends, giveaways or gifting to someone else. These info might help you.

Here is the key license information of each games.

So far, all of the keys in Humble Brawler Bundle are non-region locked keys and can be use in any region and not based from buyer’s location.

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