Lazada is now again bringing you some exciting game for everyone together with their Grand Christmas Sale Online Revolution, where you might win discount voucher, gifts or some exciting items from Lazada. On this day, lots of Items are also going to in sale as much as 95% off. The Guess the Code game is where you will be guessing a voucher code where you can use when purchasing item from Lazada. The voucher code could be a form discount voucher, a gift or something, but Lazada is give everyone a chance to guess it by posting one letter of the Code daily from December 1 to 6, 2017.
Update: Lazada just revealed today that the voucher code is a 1000 PHP voucher discount with no minimum purchase and applicable to all users.
Anyone who complete the code can redeem it when purchasing from Lazada. The Voucher code is only valid for a single use and only the first 100 customer who discover the code can use it.
If you’re looking for the Code they posted in their site from December 1, 2017 up to now, We save screenshot on it which might help you guessing the 6 character voucher code.
The First day of the Guess The Code challenge is letter L.
On the 2nd day of the Guess The Code challenge, they posted the 2nd character which is the letter Z.
On the 3rd day of Guess the Code challenge, it’s letter D.
On the Day 4, the revealed 4th character is number 5.
On Day 5, the revealed character code is Z.
On the 6th Day, it’s R.