How to Unlock all Characters in Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite

The old days of unlocking character by finishing the game story campaign or doing certain task to unlock new characters, gives you a fulfillment and increase the engagement and a satisfactory of playing the game. But that’s end in Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite, because it becomes a paid to unlock character in which you have you cash out money to play your favorite character, instead of a rewarding users. The unlockable character is part of the DLC or bundle, each character cost $7.99, the custome cost $3.99 and they have character pass which you can unlock 6 additional character.

The base game Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite is $59.99 and if you want to unlock all of the characters including the costumes it will cost you a total of $209.59 which is ridiculous and actually the game received Mixed review in the steam review due to this new paid to unlock scheme of Marvel Vs. Capcom.

To Unlock All Character in Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite

Here’s the complete list and the price of each character that you can unlock using real cash.

Unrighteous also reviewed this game on steam saying:

Don’t waste your money on this game. It’s already discounted for 33% off because of poor sales; but if you want the full game you’ll need to drop a ridiculous amount of money on DLC anyway, so what the discount actually saves you is closer to 2%.

People complain for poor story mode, overprice and ghost town online game.

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