You Can Now Buy Battlepacks With Real Money in Battlefield 1

Gamers! You can now purchase battlepacks with real money, here are the full list prices of each bundle battlepacks.

You can choose from 5 variant of battlepacks from a $1.99 of single battlepack up to $29.99 of 20pcs of battlepacks.

Why Buy Battlepacks? Battlepacks in Battlefield 1 will not give you in-game advantages during operations but it gives you weapon cosmetics and boost the experience in the game, it consist of gold looking weapon skins that you can apply for a various weapons. Players are also awarded battlepacks randomly on every end of each round.

Here are the full price of each battlepacks bundles:

Are you asking your mom to purchase battlepacks? Maybe its a good christmas gift for you! 🙂 Leave comment below!

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